Empowering Single Women: Mahila Gram Sabha and Inclusive Resolutions

Empowering Single Women: Mahila Gram Sabha and Inclusive Resolutions

Under Section 5B of the Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, Mahila Gram Sabhas convene annually on March 8th and the first Sunday of September. On September 3, 2023, CORD facilitated these assemblies in 79 Gram Panchayats, engaging 3,552 women in critical discussions about women, children, and overall Gram Panchayat development. These forums served as a platform for highlighting the social stigma faced by single women, including widows, the deserted, divorcees, and the elderly, and for devising resolutions to ensure their enrollment in relevant government schemes and pensions, thus fostering social inclusion and rehabilitation.

Notably, women Pradhans/Gram Panchayat Leaders preside over all Mahila Gram Sabha meetings, guaranteeing focused and genuine discussions on issues affecting single women. In their roles as chairpersons, these leaders not only raised awareness among Gram Sabha Members about these issues but also played a crucial role in passing resolutions tailored to the specific needs of their areas of concern.