Chinmaya Lilly Mahila Mandal

Chinmaya Lilly Mahila Mandal

Lilly is a remote Panchayat of Nagrota Bagwan block in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. Panchayat comes under a dry zone, and 70% of farm activities depend on a single-lift irrigation facility constructed by the state government’s irrigation and public health department. In 2017, this lift irrigation was damaged. Since then, farmers have been facing irrigation problems. Farmers strived hard to contact government agencies to repair damaged irrigation pipelines but could not succeed. The farmers in the Panchayat were disappointed with the government officials’ lack of attention. Farmers were facing severe irrigation problems and wanted to repair the pipeline soon to get sufficient irrigation for their crops.

Chinmaya Lilly Mahila Mandal noticed the problem, discussed it in the monthly meeting, and brought it to the Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) – Nagrota Bagwan. Mahila Mandal members consulted the issue with the CORD team member, who guided them to write a complaint letter to SMD. Smt Neelam Kumari, president of Mahila Mandal, passed a resolution in the Mahila Mandal meeting and submitted it to SDM along with her fellow members. They diligently explained the story to SDM and convinced him to take necessary action to solve the problem. In the next fifteen days, SDM ordered the concerned agency to repair the damaged irrigation pipeline immediately. Thus, a collective initiative of Chinmaya Lilly Mahila Mandal solved the significant issue of Lilly panchayat.