Advocacy groups for people with disabilities (PWDs)

Join us in building a more inclusive society

Creating change.
Championing equality.

Our advocacy program is dedicated to creating positive change in the lives of marginalized communities through our various advocacy groups. Our program strives to promote inclusivity, empowerment, and sustainable development.

Through a range of initiatives and partnerships, we have established advocacy groups that address the needs of persons with disabilities (PWDs).

Breaking barriers

Enabling PWDs and single women

Our programs are designed to benefit and support individuals and communities facing various challenges. We focus on PWDs, providing opportunities and resources for single women.

Building healthy communities

  • Social inclusion and empowerment
  • Gender equality and women’s rights
  • Agriculture and rural development
  • Aging and elderly care
  • Education and skill development
  • Health, nutrition, and sanitation
  • Youth leadership and community engagement

Driving change, step by step

Our program operates through a multi-faceted approach to achieve sustainable and long-lasting impact. Here’s an overview of how our program works

  • Identification and assessment
  • We conduct thorough assessments to identify the specific needs and challenges marginalized communities face in different areas. This identification is conducted by Mahila Mandals, Gram Sabha, and the Upgram Sabha

  • Advocacy group formation
  • Based on the identified needs, we form dedicated advocacy groups such as Chinmaya Umang, an advocacy group for PWDs, their families, and friends. There is a general group for single women in the CORD training centers

  • Collaboration and partnerships
  • We collaborate with local organizations, government agencies, and community members to establish partnerships and leverage resources and expertise

  • Capacity building and training
  • We provide training and capacity-building programs to support individuals and communities, enabling them to advocate for their rights and implement sustainable solutions

  • Awareness and outreach
  • We conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and community engagement activities to raise awareness about the rights and needs of marginalized groups and promote social inclusion

  • Program implementation
  • Our advocacy groups actively work towards addressing the specific challenges in their respective areas, implementing projects, and advocating for policy changes

  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • We regularly monitor and evaluate our programs’ impact, making necessary adjustments to ensure effectiveness and sustainability

Other marginalized groups such as the poorest of the poor, the aged, and ST/SCs are identified by CBOs such as Mahila Mandals and supported and uplifted as per their needs.

Numbers that make a difference

Stories of courage and resilience

A visual journey through the impact of our Advocacy groups for PWDs

Bring meaningful change in rural India, donate now to support our mission

Bring meaningful change in rural India – donate now to support our mission