Chinmaya Vijaya

The heartwarming tale of nurturing a second home

Changing destinies.
Inspiring hope.

The Chinmaya Vijaya CORD Orphanage for Girls goes beyond providing shelter and education. It is a sanctuary that fosters orphaned girls and girls from destitute families, and supports their holistic development through education, ethics, and life skills.

Through a structured daily routine, academic excellence, and exposure to cultural and ethical values, the program equips these young women to confidently navigate life and become self-reliant, contributing members of society.

Under the guidance of its dedicated founders and mentors, the program has produced numerous success stories, highlighting its profound impact on the lives of the girls it serves.

A shelter for growing dreams

Chinmaya Vijaya is designed to serve orphaned and underprivileged girls from diverse backgrounds, offering them a secure and nurturing environment for their growth and development. This program is specifically tailored for girls who have faced the hardships of losing their families and require not only physical shelter but also access to quality education, values, and life skills. By providing these young girls with opportunities and guidance, the orphanage aims to empower them to break free from the cycle of poverty and adversity, enabling them to lead successful and independent lives.

Changing lives, one heart at a time

  • Education
    By enrolling orphaned girls in premier schools and colleges, the program ensures that they receive a quality education, enabling them to pursue various careers and break the cycle of poverty
  • Empowerment
    Through holistic development, including academic excellence, ethics, and life skills, the program empowers these girls to become independent and self-reliant individuals, capable of making informed life choices
  • Community engagement
    The program fosters a sense of community among the girls, encouraging them to help and support each other in daily chores and academics contributing to their emotional well-being and social development
  • Values and ethics
    Weekly Bala Vihar sessions and exposure to cultural and ethical values instill in the girls a strong moral compass. These teachings guide them in making ethical decisions and contributing positively to society
  • Professional excellence
    Academic and professional accomplishments demonstrate the long-term positive influence of the orphanage on the lives of the girls it serves, breaking barriers and creating opportunities for their future success

Crafting futures with compassion

We structured this program to offer orphaned girls a secure and nurturing environment in which they receive shelter, food, and clothing. The primary focus is on education, with the girls attending premier schools and colleges in nearby cities.

The girls are encouraged to follow a disciplined daily routine, which includes study time, chores, and participation in cultural and ethical education sessions. Life skills and computer training are also provided, preparing them for independent adulthood.

The program is designed to help the girls academically, morally, socially, and practically, fostering their holistic development and self-reliance. Graduates of the program have gone on to achieve academic and professional success, breaking barriers and creating opportunities for their future.

Numbers that make a difference

Stories of courage and resilience

A visual journey through the impact of our thematic program

Bring meaningful change in rural India, donate now to support our mission

Bring meaningful change in rural India – donate now to support our mission